Chapter 3 Installation

3.1 Install scRNASequest

We provide two methods to install scRNASequest. The first one uses Conda, and the second one uses Docker. We have tested both methods on Linux servers; however, if you are a Mac user, please use the Docker method.

3.1.1 Installation using Conda

First, please make sure you have Conda installed, or, Anaconda/Miniconda installed:

which conda
# Your conda path will be returned

Then, we choose a directory and install scRNASequest by downloading the source code from GitHub.

The directory you choose here will be the future directory of this pipeline.

# Go to the directory you choose. This tutorial uses $HOME (~) directory as an example:
cd ~
git clone
cd scRNASequest

# Install scRNASequest conda environment
# Before running this, please make sure you have conda installed before
# This step will take a while, usually between 30min to 1h depending on the internet speed
# Thank you for your patience

# The .env will be created under the src directory
ls ~/scRNASequest/src/.env

# Now the pipeline scripts under the scRNASequest folder can be used
# Users can add the scRNASequest directory to the environment permanently
# by editing ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc
vim ~/.bash_profile
# Add the full path of the scRNASequest directory to $PATH.
# In our example, this will be: ~/scRNASequest
# Close the vim text editor and source the file
source ~/.bash_profile

#To verify the installation, type the main program name, and the following message will show up:

Please set the sys.yml in ~/scRNASequest.
An example is '~/scRNASequest/src/sys_example.yml'.

You got the above message because the sys.yml file is missing under the pipeline src directory (in our case, ~/scRNASequest/src/).

Please copy the sys_example.yml template there first:

cp ~/scRNASequest/src/sys_example.yml ~/scRNASequest/src/sys.yml

Then, fill in the following required items. These directories will be used to host final results (.h5ad files) of the pipeline as well as the reference files for cell type label transfer.

Since we have cellxgenedir and ref directories created under the demo directory, we use them here:

celldepotDir: ~/scRNASequest/demo/cellxgenedir.  # the absolute path to the cellxgene VIP host folder, where the h5ad files will be copied to for cellxgene VIP
refDir: ~/scRNASequest/demo/ref   # the absolute path to the Seurat reference folder if building reference is desired

You may fill in the cellxgene VIP server path after installing cellxgene VIP later, but this is not required for running the pipeline. We leave this empty here.

celldepotHttp: # the cellxgene host (with --dataroot option) link  http://HOST:PORT/d/

You may change the information in the sys.yml file later, following the full tutorial here.

Then type the name of the main program, scAnalyzer again:

***** 2023-03-14 14:48:13 *****
## scRNAsequest:
## Pipeline Path: /mnt/depts/dept04/compbio/projects/ndru_projects/Software/scRNAsequest
## Pipeline Date: 2023-03-01 10:10:55 -0500
## git HEAD: d067bfd6dc056597d046a45f3b3b927dd122dd82

scAnalyzer /path/to/a/DNAnexus/download/folder === or === scAnalyzer /path/to/a/config/file

The config file will be generated automatically when a DNAnexus download folder is provided
Available reference data:
    human_cortex: more information @
If one of the above can be used as a reference for your datasets, please update the config file with the name in 'ref_name'.

Powered by None

The installation was successful if you see the above message.

Typing other scripts’ name, such as scRef, directly without any parameters will activate the user manual page:

$ scRef

***** 2023-01-26 15:29:54 *****
## scRNAsequest:
## Pipeline Path: /mnt/depts/dept04/compbio/edge_tools/scRNAsequest
## Pipeline Date: 2023-01-13 17:41:49 -0500
## git HEAD: 3d463e0b127af499942b7adc2fc5af6ddfc6f11e

Loading resources

scRef /path/to/a/output/folder === or === scRef /path/to/a/Ref/config/file

The folder has to be existed.
The Ref config file will be generated automatically when a path is provided
===== CAUTION =====
    1. This process will add a seurat reference data into the scRNAsequest pipeline PERMANENTLY!
    2. Make sure the data provided for reference building is SCT transformed!

Powered by the Research Data Sciences group [;]

Similary, you will also see the manual message printed out for other scripts: scDEG, sc2celldepot, and scTool.

3.1.2 Installation through Docker

We provide a Docker image here: Users can pull this image to build a container, which has been tested on both Linux and Mac systems. This will take roughly 10 minutes to set up.

We also provide a Dockerfile if you would like to build the image from scratch using the docker build command, which takes ~30 min.

First, please make sure Docker has been installed and can be recognized through the command line:

which docker
# Your docker path will be returned

Go to the directory you choose. This tutorial uses $HOME (~) directory as an example:

cd ~
git clone
cd scRNASequest

Then we pull the docker image. This step takes ~10 min.

docker pull sunyumail93/scrnasequest

Initiate the docker container. This command uses -v to map the demo directory under scRNASequest to /demo in the container:

docker run -v `pwd`/demo:/demo -d sunyumail93/scrnasequest

The above command prepars for the demo run in 4. You can mount any directory containing your data to the Docker container using the syntax old_dir:container_dir.

Verify your container:

docker container ls

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                      COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS          PORTS     NAMES
4e0f3a40ce1d   sunyumail93/scrnasequest   "/bin/sh -c 'while t…"   54 seconds ago   Up 52 seconds             interesting_lewin

The last column is the , and it will be used in the following steps.

Now we launch the main program of this pipeline. In our example, is interesting_lewin. Please substitute to yours:

docker exec -t -i <container_name> scAnalyzer

Please set the sys.yml in /home/scRNASequest/src.
An example is '/home/scRNASequest/src/sys_example.yml'.

This is because the sys.yml configuration file is missing under the src directory. There is a sys.yml file prepared for running the demo data (see section 2.2), and you can copy it to the pipeline src directory using the command below. It will work for future analysis also. However, you may change the information in the sys.yml file later, following the full tutorial here. Please note that both ‘/demo/sys.yml’ and ‘/home/scRNASequest/src’ directories are in the container, rather than in your file system.

docker exec -t -i <container_name> cp /demo/sys.yml /home/scRNASequest/src/

Now we run this command again, and we will see the pipeline message printed out, same as the one at the end of section 3.1.1:

docker exec -t -i <container_name> scAnalyzer

3.2 Configure sys.yml file

The sys.yml file contains critical information for the pipeline, which must be set up before running the pipeline. This file only needs to create once, under the src/ directory. You can use this sys_example.yml file as a template to prepare your file. The file name must be sys.yml and is located under the src/ directory of the pipeline.

The first two rows are related to cellxgene VIP and CellDepot. The celldepotDir is required because all .h5ad files will be copied to this directory, and when launching cellxgene VIP, it will look for files in this directory. Please look into the tutorial below to learn how to set up cellxgene VIP. After setting up cellxgene VIP, you will know the HOST and PORT of your links, which can be included in celldepotHttp. The scAnalyzer pipeline won’t generate error if you don’t have celldepotHttp set up.

In our demo dataset (demo/ directory under the pipeline folder), we provide the following information:

celldepotDir: /demo/cellxgenedir # the absolute path to the cellxgene VIP host folder, where the h5ad files will be copied to for cellxgene VIP
celldepotHttp: http://HOST:PORT/d/ # the cellxgene host (with --dataroot option) link  http://HOST:PORT/d/
refDir: /demo/ref # the absolute path to the seurat refrence folder if building reference is desired
minCell: 50

The refDir stores all Azimuth reference files for cell type label transfer. Please select a directory for this. The scRef pipeline will use this directory and copy all necessary files there. scRef will also modify this sys.yml file when new reference is added. An example of added reference is shown as:

- human_cortex
  ref_file: # local file absolute path can be provided as well
  ref_src: single nuclei
  ref_platform: SNARE-seq2
  ref_assay: refAssay
  ref_neighbors: refdr.annoy.neighbors
  ref_reduction: refDR
  ref_reduction.model: refUMAP
  - class
  - cluster
  - subclass
  - cross_species_cluster

The powerby parameter sets the ending message after running the pipeline. An example would be:

powerby: the Research Data Sciences Group at Biogen [;] # the message at the end

An example of the message showing:

Powered by the Research Data Sciences Group at Biogen [;]

If you leave powerby as blank, it will show as: Powered by None.

3.3 Install cellxgene VIP

The cellxgene VIP (Visualization In Plugin) platform can be used to visualize the h5ad file generated by the scRNASequest pipeline. This visualization step can be performed before the differential expression (DE) analysis to pinpoint meaningful clusters for downstream steps. If you include DE analysis when running scAnalyzer, you will also see DE results in Cellxgene VIP.

Please follow the detailed instructions below to install cellxgene VIP:

After setting up, when launching cellxgene VIP, you will designate HOST name and PORT number. You can add this information in the sys.yml file as celldepotHttp under src/ directory.

However, cellxgene VIP is not required for running any components of the scRNASequest pipeline (scAnalyzer, scRef, etc.). It is up to the user how to work with the h5ad files after running the scAnalyzer script, and (scanpy is an alternative option.

3.4 Install CellDepot

If you have multiple projects, you will have to manage many cellxgene VIP links and related data files. CellDepot is a centralized database for storing single-cell/nucleus RNA-seq results. Please refer to the detailed instructions below to install CellDepot:

The installation of CellDepot is optional if the user only needs to analyze the data, without publishing it into the CellDepot database.