Chapter 4 Demo run

We provide a demo dataset under the demo directory. This demo uses two snRNA-seq data from GSE185538 to run through the main steps, including QC, data integration (SCTransform, then Harmony), Seurat reference mapping, and evaluation of integration (kBET and silhouette). To save time, the differential expression analysis won’t be performed, and the DEGinfo.csv file is empty.

This demo run contains two downsampled snRNA-seq data from the original study, and will take ~15-20 minutes to finish. Please note that to speed up the run, we used stringent QC cutoffs, which eliminated many cells. After running the scAnalyzer command, output files will be generated under the demo directory on your computer.

Also, we provided config.yml, sampleMeta.csv and DEGinfo.csv files for running this demo so you can run the scAnalyzer command directly. Please note that these files are only for the demo run. Later for your own dataset, please follow the full tutorial in the next section, Data preparation, to generate the template of these files first.

4.1 Demo run with Conda

Continuing from section 3.1.1, we assume that the pipeline was installed in: ~/scRNASequest.

First, we set up the config file (~/scRNASequest/demo/config.yml) by pointing these parameters to your directory, and other lines don’t need to be changed:

ref_name: ~/scRNASequest/demo/ref/rat_cortex_ref.rds   # choose one from scAnalyzer call without argument
output: ~/scRNASequest/demo                            # output path   
sample_meta: ~/scRNASequest/demo/sampleMeta.csv
DEG_desp: ~/scRNASequest/demo/DEGinfo.csv              # for DEG analysis. To save time, this demo run doesn't include DE analysis

Accordingly, we modify the sampleMeta.csv file by providing the full path to .h5 files by adding ‘~/scRNASequest’:


Then execute the following command:

scAnalyzer ~/scRNASequest/demo/config.yml

4.2 Demo run with Docker

After following section 3.1.2 to set up the pipeline, we are ready to run this demo:

docker exec -t -i <container_name> scAnalyzer /demo/config.yml

After running this demo, a list of files will be created:

config.yml                        #Original config.yml file
config.yml.20230314.log           #Log file during pipeline run
data/                             #Original data files
DEGinfo.csv                       #Comparison file. In this demo, this is empty
evaluation/                       #Evaluation of harmonization
log/                              #Log files for each step
QC/                               #QC files
raw/                              #Original UMI counts, with and withour filtering
  └──ref.Rds                      #Azimuth reference RSD file for cell type label transfer
Rmarkdown/                        #Pre-generated QC figures, for generating Bookdown report
sampleMeta.csv                    #Input sample metainformation file
scRNASequest_demo.h5ad            #This is the final output h5ad file, and the expression values have been normalized
                                   cellxgene VIP will use this file for visualization
scRNASequest_demo.h5seurat        #Result in h5seurat format
scRNASequest_demo_raw_added.h5ad  #Since AnnData object can only have one count matrix, this one uses the raw UMI
SCT/                              #Results related to SCT transformation
sctHarmony/                       #SCT+Harmony results
SeuratRef/                       #Seurat reference mapping results