Chapter 7 Advanced plotting functions

For advanced users, EA offers versatile plotting functions to adjust your figures. Each plotting function within Plot_Functions.R has many options, mirroring the user interface from QuickOmics. Here are several examples:

7.1 PCA plot

# Load RData created from EArun 
# Here is an example


# Load Plot_Functions.R

# Create a basic PCA Plot. 
p<-PCA_Plot(data_wide, MetaData) 

# PCA plot with additional options:
p<-PCA_Plot(data_wide, MetaData, pcnum=c(2, 3),label_samples=F, 
            PCAcolorby="Age",  PCAshapeby="Genotype", ellipsoid=T, rug = T) 

# Plot only selected samples:
p<-PCA_Plot(data_wide, MetaData, input_samples) 

7.2 Covariate checking

# Check covariates:
# This can be displayed as a table in R Markdown

res<-PC_covariates_out(data_wide, MetaData) 
sig_covariates=res$selVar_All                 #data frame to print as table

# Check covariates with more options if needed:

res<-PC_covariates_out(data_wide, MetaData, input_samples, select_covariates=c("Age", "Genotype", "Gender"),  PC_cutoff=3, FDR_cutoff=0.2)


7.3 Volcano plot

# Loop through the comparisons. 

p<-Volcano_Plot(results_long, ProteinGeneName, comparison="2yr_KOvs2yr_WT") 

# More controls on volcano plot:

p<-Volcano_Plot(results_long, ProteinGeneName, comparison="1yr_KOvs1yr_WT", Ngenes=40, rasterize="No", vlegendpos="right",  Max_Pvalue=30, Max_logFC=1.5) 

7.4 Heatmap

# Heatmap  

# Overview from 1000 most variable genes 

p<-Heatmap_Plot(data_wide, MetaData, results_long, ProteinGeneName,heatmap_subset="variable", maxgenes=1000) 

draw(p, merge_legend=T,  auto_adjust = FALSE)  

# Heatmap from DEGs of a comparison:
# This can be done for all comparisons. 

p<-Heatmap_Plot(data_wide, MetaData, results_long, ProteinGeneName,heatmap_subset="subset", comparison="2yr_WTvs2mo_WT") 

draw(p, merge_legend=T,  auto_adjust = FALSE)  

# With more options to customize the heatmap 

p<-Heatmap_Plot(data_wide, MetaData, results_long, ProteinGeneName,heatmap_subset="subset", comparison="2yr_WTvs2mo_WT",  heatmap_fccut=4, heatmap_pvalcut=0.01, heatmap_psel = "Padj", heatmap_row_dend=FALSE, heatmap_annot=c("Age", "Genotype") ) 

draw(p, merge_legend=T,  auto_adjust = FALSE)